Request Your Price

If you are looking for a plugin which allows you to nagotiate with merchants about product prices for bulk purchase. Request Your Price for WooCommerce give a way to the customers where they can negotiate admin about specific product prices. Customers can send message to the store owner and get respond about their desired prices for their products.

There will be  a back to back detail conversation between a customer and a merchant. Admin can accept or decline their request. If admin accepts their request they can have a detail conversation upon their defined amount asked by customers. When merchants agreed for the requested price customers can purchased their desired bundle of product items.

What are the key benefits of Request Your Price Plugin?

How it works?

Admin can select desired products for customers, these offers will be displayed to them. However, those who are registered they can ask about specific quantity price.

request price popup image

How customers can nagotiate about desired prices?

Customers will singup the account the merchants shop then through My Account tab they will be able to get the admin. Admin will recieve message by customers then replied or reject the request. If they approve their request customers will be able to purchase the bunch of products in a discounted price.

request your price chart

Where to get the plugin

It is developed in such a way a customer can directly request to the admin about their desired price for the bunch of proudct items where merchant can apporve or deny the conversation. If you want to purchase Request your price you can BUY NOW
– Find the installation guide here: Request your price documentation

Get Benefits:

⦁ In-depth marketing data.
⦁ In-depth product documentation.
⦁ Expert technical support.
⦁ 30-day money-back guarantee.